Final Results of Voting

Number of legal parcels: 80
Number of ballots received: 56.50  (Two ballots counted as 1.25 each)
(Note: two voters own developed lots and undeveloped lots)
Total possible votes: 76.25 (undeveloped parcels = 0.25 votes)

Measures #1- 7 required approval by majority of the membership
Measure #8 required approval by 60% of the membership

1. Should the second paragraph of “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article II – Purposes, be amended to add the following text?

“To construct and maintain mailbox structures.”

                  YES 46.25         No 8      Approved

2. Should the second paragraph of “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article II – Purposes, be amended to add the following text?

“To promote neighborhood security; but not to be responsible, nor liable, for neighborhood security.”

                  YES 43.25         No 11      Approved

3. Should the second paragraph of “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article II – Purposes, be amended to add the following text?

“To promote neighborhood safety, but not to be responsible, nor liable, for neighborhood safety.”

                  YES 42.25         No 12      Approved

4. Should the “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article III – Membership, Section 1, be amended to add the following text?

“Not withstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, a property owner of Valhalla owning a lot adjoining
his or her property where they reside, shall be exempt from annual or special assessment on the adjoining
non-residential lot, as long as such adjoining vacant lot is maintained as a part of the yard of the residence.”

                  YES 42.50         No 14      Approved

5. Should the “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article VI – Meetings,Section 1, be replaced with the following?

“The Board of Directors of the Association shall hold regular meetings on or about the third week of
October, January, April, and July of each year, and such special meetings as the President or a majority
of the Board of Directors (or both) shall deem necessary for the competent management of the affairs
of the Association.”

                  YES 50.25         No 4      Approved

6. Should the “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article VI – Meetings, be amended to add Section 7, which reads as follows?

Section 7.  Any action which could be taken in a meeting of the Board may be taken electronically,
without a meeting, via electronic mail (e-mail), the Internet, or by facsimile (fax), and a written record
of consent shall be inserted in the minutes record as if it were minutes of a Board meeting.”

                  YES 45.25         No 8      Approved

7. Should the second sentence of “Bylaws of Valhalla Residence Association,” Article XI – Dues and Assessments, be amended by adding the underlined text?

“The Board shall have the power to establish such initiation fees, dues, and assessments as they
shall from time to time reasonably believe necessary to the operation of each of all of said athletic
and recreational facilities
and to fund the purposes described in Article II, subject to the restrictions of Article VII, Section 3.”

                  YES 43.25         No 12      Approved

8. In accordance with Article VII – Powers and Duties of Directors, Section 3, should the VRA Board of Directors be authorized to, but not be obligated to, incur expenses, not to exceed $9,000, to construct a “river access” on the south bank of the Sammamish River, at the VRA pool property; such “river access” to consist of a stairway, with handrail and a small landing above the ordinary high water mark?

YES 27         No 29.25      Failed